Sunday, January 26, 2014

APRQ Ch. 9

Hello my to all you kids in my heavily fragmented class. Click below to take your quiz for chapter 9. Be sure to submit it before 8:30am on Tuesday, January 28, 2014. Otherwise, it's late.

Here's a visual breakdown of the caste system. There are many others, but this should quickly sum up the standing of individuals in society. Remember, in the caste system you can't associate or marry outside your caste, otherwise you lose your caste status. FYI- Aryan does NOT mean "white" as Hitler used it. He was wrong about a lot of things, and this is just one of them.

Oh, and remember, how your future lives go depends on how you act now, in your role as a student. Do your job well, and good things will happen. Do things poorly, however, and you repeat the class. Sure, this may make it difficult to study the "history" of our class as a whole, but that's okay. Not all classes have to be the same, and, like some people, I enjoy a good challenge.

Oh, and maybe watch this video before you take it.... just to review/learn something.

Click here to take APRQ CH. 9


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