Monday, February 3, 2014

Article of the Week #4: "Ethicists Criticize Treatment of Teen, Texas Patient"

Hey kids,

This week's article of the week was put together by Mr. Ostini of PVHS. Yes, the PVHS across town, who's teachers we played soccer against this past Friday night...

I'll be posting some help resources this week (hopefully tonight, but maybe tomorrow morning too). I've learned some stuff after that John Locke Lesson (the one where everyone was in the room and I almost fell and smashed my dome on the table, remember?), so be looking for this post to be updated.

Here's the link. Be sure to read the introduction to the article, though. Mr. Ostini is a much better writer than I, but he would never say that... mostly because, unlike zombies, and the some of the people in this week's article, I have feelings.

Click here to access ARTICLE OF THE WEEK #4

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