Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Everyone: Actually, this is just for guys. Girls, go read something else.

So, it's Valentine's Day. 
Big. Freaking. Deal.

The above violates every rule know to grammar, the English Language, modern logical thought, and poetry.

Valentine's Day has become a -in some instances"the"- day where men make the women in their lives feel loved, special, and cared for. I'll let that sink in.... If someone has to put a date on the calendar to let the entire male population of the Western World know WHEN to make their wives or girlfriends feel loved and special then I'd like to "un-friend" everyone. 

You know when you should buy your wife flowers, or give her a card? No, not today, and not her birthday, and not your anniversary. How about just a random day. For no reason. Just a little note, or a few flowers. It doesn't have to be a $160.00 bouquet of roses because, much like your love life if you only show her love 3-4 times a year, they will die.

It gets better, though. If I don't do something today, everyone will think I'm a bad husband. You don't know me, or how I love my wife. It angers me that the guy who spends $500.00 on Valentine's Day to have flowers delivered to his wife at work (which is sweet) is celebrated as "the most thoughtful" guy on earth. Really? Because he didn't do anything all year but did something today I'm supposed to think he's the best guy ever? Kiss my... yeah. 

Here's my advice. Do you need to get your wife/girlfriend something today? YES. Does it have to be an exorbitant amount of money? NO! Do something little today, but then do other little things all the time. 

If your woman has been sucked into the V-Day Vortex, then you do kinda have to do it up today. But, work on her over the next year and remind her that you don't need a reminder to get her flowers, or tell her you love her, or make her feel special. If that doesn't work, then  show her this.

St. Valentine was (probably) a priest in Rome under Claudius the Cruel. Claudius was upset that men were more attracted to their hot wives (dressed in silk, in some cases. Silk hides less of your body than cotton. It's sexy. Thanks, China) than they were to military matters. So, he banned marriages. St. Valentine, though, continued to preform marriages in secret. He was found out, sentenced to death, then beaten with clubs and his head chopped off. I don't mind remembering him, but I'm pretty sure he did things he was expected NOT to do. He was a nonconformist. Try being one of those instead of doing what you think everyone wants you to do. 
If that doesn't work then find a new one... okay, maybe not really.

So, cheers to celebrating murder with overpriced flowers, chocolate probably created with modern-day slave labor, worshiping the modern-day thoughtless male, and being completely oblivious to what's really going on. 

Modern World History

  • Choose your group for your Revolutionary Video Assignment. 

AP World History

Quick-write #17:

  • Identify the role family and relationships play(ed) in Chinese culture during the Classical Era. 
  • Compare two,classical Chinese Ethical systems. 

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