Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Hi Everybody!

Some of you asked for the Cost's Levels of Questions signal words and definitions... so, they are below.

Click here for the Power Point

Click here for the Word Version

Just a quick note on my Olympic Rooting interests. They're pretty simple. Ready?... GO. U.S.A.!!!

In any world competition, though, after the USA, I cheer for the Germany and Norway. World Cup, Summer Olympics, Winter Olympics, the Special Olympics. It doesn't matter the competition, that's just how I roll. IF you're wondering why, it's because that's where my ancestors came from. I do have some Italian family as well (in fact I have twice as much Italian ancestry as I do Norwegian or German), but I can't get with Italian soccer. They are everything I hate about life. Flashy, egocentric, and they complain about EVERYTHING! So, for now, I'm feeling pretty good about how the winter Olympics are going. 

Modern World History
Quick-write #20:

  • Analyze the causes of the French Revolution.
  • Write a 5-sentence paragraph with
    • a topic sentence
    • a concrete detail
    • 2 commentary sentences, and
    • a conclusion

AP World History

Quick-write #20:

  • Analyze the role of women in Classical India.
  • Analyze the impact of Buddhism and Hinduism on the role of women in Classical India.

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