Friday, March 14, 2014

APRQ Ch. 23- Due by 8:30 AM on Tuesday, March 18, 2014.

As we move from the Post-Classical era, characterized by, among other things, the "globalization" of civilization to the Early Modern Era, be prepared to view some significant changes in how societies function. Gone are the massive, centrally organized empires of Central, South, and East Asia. Say hello instead to the emerging, highly-competitive states of Western and Northern Europe (Portugal, Spain, and eventually great Britain and the Netherlands, and to a lesser extent France). The financing and formation of join-stock companies allowed for investors to spread their wealth and minimize risk on any one particular voyage.

Remember, though, that a major factor driving exploration in this era was trade. specifically, Trade with China and India. However, it takes two-to-tango, as the saying goes. Much like dating a mature counterpart,  when you are trading you have to have something of value, something desired by the other party. If you don't, then often times you are rejected. When that happens, you have a few options. You either better yourself and try again, you give up, buy some cats and live in your parents basement, or you get rape(er)ish and take what you want. Any bets on which route Europe takes?

I'll give you a hint... you shouldn't necessarily aim to be like them, although they did succeed.

This map extends beyond the confines of the Early Modern Era, but it does give us some idea of what's ahead. 
Watch the video, pay attention, take the quiz and destroy the CAHSEE.

Click here to take APRQ Chapter 23.

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