Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Tonight is Back-to-School Night.. for us AND my son. It really is lame that I have to choose between seeing my son's room and meeting his teacher and being here to meet your parents. However, the decision has been made, and I will be here for you... so PLEASE come and bring your parents. 

Also, remember that if you are bilingual you have the opportunity to practice your public speaking skills by translating for me when necessary.... it's only for the period in which you are enrolled. So, roll out. With the top back... get here and learn some stuff about the class. Your parents and teachers all want the same thing. We want you to be successful, now and in the future. 

Looking forward to seeing you all later. Be good for the sub.


Modern World History
  • Use evidence to substantiate a claim. 
  • Analyze the spread of democratic ideas and influences on modern democracy.

    AP World History

    Quick-write #:

    No warm-up. Go straight to "Doing World History." 

    • Analyze the rise and spread of religious and spiritual thought over the course of Period 2.

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