Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014


I usually write something here... I've decided to make friends on the East Coast and in the country of Texas. They also write stuff. My friend Dave is a helluvaguy. He wrote something pretty awesome on his blog, so I'm going to link you to it. You should take the time to read it.

Click here to visit Dave's Internet Lounge. *

I have a prize for the first person to list TWO other books written by the author of the book Dave is reading the picture.

*Please note that "Dave" has his own views, and just because I linked you to his page, it does not mean I endorse, agree with, or otherwise support his opinions, ideas, or thoughts. Challenge your thinking, but make sure you are still thinking.

Modern World History

Quick-write #10:

  • Thinking back to yesterday's reading by John Locke, write down some ideas about how he feels about
    • The Law of Nature
    • Freedom (Liberty)
    • The Role of Government 
  • One sentence for each of the three bullet points is great.
  • Read Two Treatises on Government and identify John Locke's view of:
    • The Law of Nature
    • Freedom (liberty)
    • The Role of Government
  • Identify John Locke's view of an ideal form of government in a five-sentence paragraph. Use evidence from the text to support your argument.

AP World History

Quick-write #11:

  • Write down 1-2 tips for me to follow during tomorrow's soccer game against the PV teachers... include any ideas for preparation tonight, strategy during the game tomorrow, and ways to recover from beating my body will take after the game.

  • As a class, create and organize a timeline of events for the Classical Era.
  • Complete your essay outline with thesis, topic sentences, and evidence.
  • Write a Body Paragraph for your Essay Outline. Make sure to include a  Direct Comparison and substantial evidence. 

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