Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2013


Today marks your first chance to serve study-hall for having lower than a "C" in class, all you Modern World History students. 


Also, AP World History kids. Early Agricultural Societies and modern real-estate have a lot in common. A LOT depends on location, location, location
Image taken from

Because all agricultural products and domesticated animals are equal. But some are more equal than others.

Modern World History
Quick-write #6:

  • Explain the best and worst parts of your weekend.
  • Explain WHY you chose to sit in the seat in which you are currently sitting.

  • Identify and locate the physical and political features of the Mediterranean region on a map.
  • Use Soapstone to analyze the purpose, tone, and audience of the 10 Commandments.
  • Analyze the contribution of the Monotheistic religions to Democracy. 

    AP World History
    Quick-write #7:
    • Explain the best and worst parts of your weekend.
    • Explain WHY you chose to sit in the seat in which you are currently sitting.
    • Describe the spread of early humans around the globe.
    • Analyze the origination and spread of agriculture around earth about 8,000 years ago.
    • Compare the similarities and differences of early civilizations.

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