Monday, February 10, 2014

APRQ Ch. 13- Due by Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 8:30 A.M.

Here is your first quiz for Era 3.

Though the Classical Empires are gone from our midst,
there's not reason lament, or even resist,
 Fear not, my lovers of empires large and small,
For there's more on the way, and conflict for all. 
With the spread of Islam, and the response from the west,
We'll fight till' the death, and we'll see who's the best.
From Korea to Russ, 
From Norway to Sudan,
People are getting busy and building their clans.
From the Songhai in Africa to the North American Great Lakes,
New Empires and conflict will arise all over the place. 
And that's pretty much it.... except, wait for it. THE MONGOLS!

Maybe watch this video on the "Dark Ages" before you Continue...

Take the Chapter 13 quiz by clicking here.

Happy quizzing,

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