Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Hi Everybody!

Just the warm-ups today... and some links. No crazy stories or ridiculously politically incorrect rants. See you soon.

Turns out I never updated the grade book on the website... my bad, yo. So, there are now three new things on the website. Click below to access them.

AP World History Grades- click  and then scroll down the page... the grades are in yellow, white, and red.

Modern World History Grades- click  and then scroll down the page... the grades are in yellow, white, and red.

Warm-ups- if you've missed any warm-ups, but don't want to scroll from blog post to blog post, I've put the entire power point online for you to view (It's below the MWH Grades).

Modern World History

  • Identify, locate, and label the major rivers of the world on a map.
  • Analyze the causes of the French Revolution.
  • Write a 5-sentence paragraph with
    • a topic sentence
    • a concrete detail
    • 2 commentary sentences, and
    • a conclusion

AP World History

Quick-write #18:


  • Compare family life in Classical China with your family life.
  • Identify the role filial piety in Chinese culture.
  • Analyze the role of women in Classical India.
  • Analyze the impact of Buddhism and Hinduism on the role of women in Classical India.

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