Monday, March 24, 2014

APRQ Ch. 25- Due by Tuesday, March 25, 2015 at 8:30 AM

This seems to be the perfect time to bring up our friend a colleague, Jared Diamond. He's been with us throughout most of the semester and we've seen him in many lights (TED Talks, Documentaries, We've even read some of his writing). But, this is where the "rubber meets the road" so-to-speak. This is the point where we can begin to see his main examples play out... WHY did the Aztecs and Incas fall victim to European conquerors? #itjustgotreal

If you'd like to watch episode two of Guns, Germs, and Steel, it's available here via YouTube.

If you don't want to watch it then don't worry. We will see it in class in the coming weeks.

I do encourage you, though, to watch the videos here from Crash Course. They're kind of a big deal...

You may have seen this one already, but reviewing doesn't hurt.

Watch this one:

Once you've done the above, and read the chapter, go ahead and take the quiz.


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