Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014


"Another dollar another day
Dolla dolla
Dolla dolla dolla bill y'all... x3
Dolla bill y'all
Dolla dolla bill y'all
Dolla dolla dolla bill y'all"

You know what my favorite thing about rap music is? The apparent disdain for punctuation. 

I would argue, however,that punctuation is EXTREMELY important. Consider the image below. I feel it's the only required example.


See you in computer lab 520. Don't be late, please.

Everyone needs to click here and read this post! It contains our assignment!

Modern World History
I'd just like to point out that you have an absolute CRAP-LOAD of stuff to do... Your "performance" for the sub last Thursday has put us behind. We must move forward, however, so get to steppin'. 
Quick-write #4:

  • Evaluate the "revolutionariness" of the French Revolution.
  • Use evidence to develop and substantiate a claim. 
  • Write a paragraph with a clear claim and counterclaim.
  • Write 3 commentary sentences that link your evidence to your claim. 
  • Choose your Topic of Interest for our Industrialization Unit.
You'll be completing this in on your own.
Yes, this is going on the grade book.. no, you haven't turned it in. Yes, it was due several days ago....

    AP World History

    Quick-write #4:
    • Ensure that you have at least 3 reliable sources for your topic.
    • Understand the purposes of different types of searches.
    • Use evidence to help formulate and substantiate a claim.

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