Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Happy 311 Day!
So, one of my all time favorite bands is 311. Today is Match 11. It's 311 day. No other day of the year is as celebrated by ALL of my close friends, not even Christmas. Every year on this date, 311 plays a marathon show in New Orleans... some year I won't be here to teach on this day, because I'll be there.

For now, though, just know that today I'm only going to listen to one band....

Click here for the answer to yesterday's "What's Going On In This Picture."

Modern World History
Quick-write #30:

  • Argue for or against the reliability of a document.
  • Use evidence to formulate and substantiate a claim.
  • Identify the significance of Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna.

    AP World History

    Quick-write #30:

    Some of you requested that the new note taking template be put here on the blog... wishes granted.



    • Argue for the periodization (don't be gross) of Era 3, including what to call it and when it should begin and end.
    • Understand the continuities and changes from the Classical Era to the Post-Classical Era.
    • Understand the creation and expansion of Islam in the 7th Century CE.

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