Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


 I've seen almost 300 copies of this poster since I've been here.
I have some sweet #banningswagg to bring home with me... for my outstanding attendance, of course.
Check out the view from the #Penthouse! Sweet sunset and the football team training underneath it all. These kids are pretty dedicated. I can't wait to see and meet more students and teachers today.

I need to go write some more... I'm out.

More pictures to come.. yeah, because that's why you show up.

Several of you were on the right track for yesterday's Warm-up. Click here to read the back-story...

Well played, sir.

Modern World History
Quick-write #28:

No warm-up for you... the movie is long... super long.

  • Analyze evidence from the documentary to identify and explain the Cause and Effect Relationship for at least 5 events of the French Revolution.

    AP World History

    Quick-write #28:

    • Analyze the major developments (SPICE) of Classical Era Civilizations, taking into account the major similarities and differences among them. 
    • Use evidence to develop and substantiate an argument. 

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