Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


So, today is my last day on the WASC Visit. It's been an awesome experience so far. I'm exhausted, emotionally and physically fried. I would like to engage in several adult beverages and sleep until Friday afternoon (Yes, I know it's currently Wednesday circa 4:30AM), but I don't care. I couldn't replace what I've learned on this trip with anything. I do, however, miss my family, and you guys and girls too...

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Here are some pictures from the trip... the last ones you will see on here. I can't give you details about anything, so don't ask.

I have a key to almost everything... it's pretty sweet.... and official.
The inside of the Penthouse.
This is what work looks like. It's messy, frustrating, exhausting, caffeine fueled, enjoyable and, most of all, rewarding. 

There was a team of 40-50 Asian Stewardesses in the lobby of our hotel... just a random thought. I couldn't get a good picture without feeling like a creeper.

Modern World History
  • Analyze the primary and secondary sources to help develop an understanding of the major causes of the French Revolution.
  • Use evidence to formulate and substantiate a claim.

    AP World History

    Quick-write #29:

    • Analyze the major developments (SPICE) of Classical Era Civilizations, taking into account the major similarities and differences among them. 
    • Use evidence to develop and substantiate an argument. 
    • Work Collaboratively to Understand the major developments of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras, while taking into account the impact of the environments and the consequences of development. 

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