Tuesday, April 5, 2011

AP World History- DBQ: The Columbian Exchange

AP World History Students:

Your task is to visit the class website, http://www.wix.com/mmarkstone/markstone-website, access the AP World History Documents Page, and complete an answer to the Columbian Exchange DBQ. Your completed answer should be posted as a comment to this blog post, and is due by midnight on Sunday, April 10, 2011. If you have questions, please ask me before you leave school on Friday.

In addition to posting your DBQ, you need to read and comment on at least 3 other responses... These responses are due by midnight on Monday, April 11, 2011. For example, if student 1 posted a response, then they have completed part of the assignment, not all of it. In order to complete all of the assignment, student #1 needs to comment on the responses of students 2, 3, and 4.

When posting responses to other students posts, please be respectful and professional in your approach. Look for things like analysis of the documents, use of POV, significant groupings, or misinterpretation of the documents.

You will receive a score for your DBQ and a score for the quality of your responses to other students' work.

Good luck, and happy posting.


DBQ: Columbian Exchange- https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwyyAyZYS4h4MzM1NjM0OTYtZTFjNy00NDMxLWFiMDgtMTkyYTRhNTI3Mjg0&hl=en


  1. The cultural exchange between the New World and the Old World is often called The Colubian Exchange. The Colubian Exchange had positive and negative effects between the New and Old worlds like crops,diseases, and goods.

    The positive effcts of the exchange between the new and old world were laws,intermarrige,spread of civilzation,interaction/trade,new crops, and new livestock.(doc1)Indians werent suppose to be used as slaves or mistreated so a law to insure that was created and enforced.(doc3) Another positive effect was intermarrige,due to the various cultures and races in the new world. This led to mixed races,new cultures, and some new tradtions.
    (doc4)Also, columbus had set sail, thus creating a european voyage that started the exchanges between both the new and old worlds, which was the spark of weatern civilization.(doc6) Also interaction and trade had occured between the worlds, which led to the growth of global econmies. The trades had consisted of furs,anaimals,plants, etc.
    (doc9)Finally new crops and animals came from The Columbian Exchange. New crops like the potato,can feed more people and would give the people more energy when working. Animals like horses and pigs were a outcome of the exchange as well. The horeses were great for transporation and battle,while the pigs were a good source of protein.

    Besides the Colubian Exchange having postive effects, it had negatives as well.
    (doc5)Indians had been killed,enslaved, and used in a labor system.Also infection had began spreading from the europeans, as well as the Indians.(doc5)Another negative effect was infectious dieases like Smallpox and the Measseles had began to spread,killing those who were infected.(doc8)Also the Old World had many diseses that when New Wolrd arrived,thus encountering them resulted in many deaths. Diseases were Smallpox, Measles,Infulenza, and typhus.(doc10)Finally besides the Old World having many infectious diseses, they also lacked domesticated animals, which made life much harder by not having transportaion or protein.

    (pov)I think the overall outcome of the Colubian Exchage is postive because new crops,metals, and aniamls were discoverd. While the only negative aspect of the Colubian Exchage were diseases.

    I would of liked an addional document from a family stating how the discovery of new crops was a positive change for them.This would allow me to truley understand the importance of new crops and how they helped the people.

  2. I think this was a very well put together essay. It had very good evidence,but i don't exactly know if that was the right way to state the evidence. Also there were a few of the documents missing but it didn't specify how many were needed so i don't think it was two bad. Finally i do not now if there were supposed to be more categories. In all it was a pretty good essay good job Joe. =)

  3. I agree with Caija, your essay had very good evidence, but i felt like it was kind of listed.Also you left out 2 documents,it would have been very nice to here more about the views on the exchange , if yu were to have used those documents. I felt like you understood the documents very well and your only problem was putting what you knew into an answer. Overall, your essay was very interesting to read and gave me a better understanding of The Columbian Exchange.(:

  4. The Columbian Exchange began when Christopher Columbus took his first voyage to the Americas in 1492. Columbus’ voyage started a new era of extensive communication between the New and Old Worlds. The Columbian Exchange greatly effected many societies of the world , in good and bad ways, but it was mainly between the Old and New Worlds.

    The Columbian Exchange was a very important event in history, where new things like foods and cultures were shared between the Old and New World. The sharing of these possessions was a very positive experience, because they helped further the societies economically and socially. The diffusion of traditions and rules led to the end of Indian slavery as stated in document one, which put us one step closer to the end of all slavery. Other things that were shared as a part of the Columbian Exchange were new foods, cultures, architecture designs and political ideas and traditions. The University of Lima is described in document 2 as very elegant in design and has a very high quality of education, this could be because they were inspired by the Old World through The Columbian Exchange. Columbus’ voyage caused an establishment of civilizations in the New World, these civilizations shortly began to adopt the customs of the Old World and add in their own ideas to build a strong foundation for the following years.[ doc 4 and 6]. The establishment of civilizations lead to a mixture of different races of people migrating from different places to the New World, therefore making intermarriages very popular.[ doc 3]. Both document 8 and 9 tell us about the different things the two worlds shared with each other, and how it effected them. Mainly the two worlds traded foods and goods, that they themselves could not produce. That helped both of the worlds in the way that they would have all the resources they needed to be successful. The most important thing that started from The Columbian Exchange was the relationships between the Old and New Worlds , that made the world begin as one.

    Although Columbus’ revelation of the new world to the old world caused many great things to take place, and laid the foundation for the years to come in the new world, it also had some negative effects on both societies. Many of the negative effects were different diseases, including the smallpox and measles. These infectious diseases led to the deaths of a vast majority of Indians .[ doc 5 and 7].

    Because of the different locations of the Old and New Worlds, there resources differed, causing some troubles. A good thing about The Columbian Exchange is that when one of the worlds did not have something it was likely that the other world would. Document 8 shows us how the two worlds helped each other out by trading, with foods, precious metals, livestock , but they also spread diseases by trading, which wasn’t so good. The New World had little domesticated animals, which was the peoples main source of protein, and was very important for reproduction [doc 10], but luckily the Old War could provide them for the New World.

    I realized that the negative views against The Columbian Exchange were written in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, leading me to believe that it took a long time for people to find a bad effect of The Columbian Exchange and actually have the information to prove it. Also, because these excerpts were written later, I know that they were not witnesses so their opinions are less important. The positive views on The Columbian Exchange, were mostly written around an earlier time, when it just started taking place. These authors are more likely to be witnesses of the changes and effects it made, and survivors of the infectious diseases that were spreading at the time.

    If I could have another document, I would like one from an Indian slave, so I could have their opinion about the end of Indian slavery, and maybe the infectious diseases.

  5. The Columbian Exchange, named after Christopher Columbus, was the cultural exchange between the “New World” and the “Old World”. Both positive and negative effects resulted from this system of trade.
    The positive effects of the exchange between Europe and the New World included the banning of Indian slaves (doc. 1), the adoption of foreign crops and animals (doc. 9) and the spread of other cultural traditions (doc. 2). Also, in Lima, Peru, intermarriages were allowed without prejudices (doc. 3). Another positive effect was that the United States grew economically, geographically and politically (doc. 6).
    In contrast, the Columbian Exchange also led to negative effects, mostly the spread of deadly diseases such as the Black Death (doc. 7). An author wrote that the spread of Western civilization was built upon intrusion due to missionaries and merchants setting out to preach the Gospel or find new goods (doc. 4). When Christopher Columbus first arrived in the Americas, he brought with him deadly diseases and also the idea of enslavement of the Natives (docs. 5 and 7). Right alongside the diseases passed from human to human were the infectious diseases inherited by humans from domesticated animals (doc. 10).
    The only document that I found that could be put into both groups was document 8 because it showed the good things that were traded but also the bad. It shows that from the “New World” the Europeans acquired food, precious metals and tobacco. It also shows that from the “Old World” the Americans acquired food, livestock and diseases.
    I believe that overall, the Columbian Exchange was a good thing because we acquired food, and livestock. The only downside was that we acquired deadly diseases from them and the domesticated livestock also attributed to that.
    I would have liked to have had a document from a family living in Europe and/or North America at the time. This document would have given insight into family life during the time of the Columbian Exchange.

  6. Joe, i think your essay was very well out together as well but you did the whole listing thing. Also you forgot to mention one of the documents but again it wasnt specified how many we had to do. So overall very well done. :D

  7. The Columbian Exchange began when Christopher Columbus took his first voyage to the Americas in 1492. Columbus’ voyage started a new era of extensive communication between the New and Old Worlds. The Columbian Exchange greatly effected many societies of the world , in good and bad ways, but it was mainly between the Old and New Worlds.

    The Columbian Exchange was a very important event in history, where new things like foods and cultures were shared between the Old and New World. The sharing of these possessions was a very positive experience, because they helped further the societies economically and socially. The diffusion of traditions and rules led to the end of Indian slavery as stated in document one, which put us one step closer to the end of all slavery. Other things that were shared as a part of the Columbian Exchange were new foods, cultures, architecture designs and political ideas and traditions. The University of Lima is described in document 2 as very elegant in design and has a very high quality of education, this could be because they were inspired by the Old World through The Columbian Exchange. Columbus’ voyage caused an establishment of civilizations in the New World, these civilizations shortly began to adopt the customs of the Old World and add in their own ideas to build a strong foundation for the following years.[ doc 4 and 6]. The establishment of civilizations lead to a mixture of different races of people migrating from different places to the New World, therefore making intermarriages very popular.[ doc 3]. Both document 8 and 9 tell us about the different things the two worlds shared with each other, and how it effected them. Mainly the two worlds traded foods and goods, that they themselves could not produce. That helped both of the worlds in the way that they would have all the resources they needed to be successful. The most important thing that started from The Columbian Exchange was the relationships between the Old and New Worlds , that made the world begin as one.

    Although Columbus’ revelation of the new world to the old world caused many great things to take place, and laid the foundation for the years to come in the new world, it also had some negative effects on both societies. Many of the negative effects were different diseases, including the smallpox and measles. These infectious diseases led to the deaths of a vast majority of Indians .[ doc 5 and 7].

    Because of the different locations of the Old and New Worlds, there resources differed, causing some troubles. A good thing about The Columbian Exchange is that when one of the worlds did not have something it was likely that the other world would. Document 8 shows us how the two worlds helped each other out by trading, with foods, precious metals, livestock , but they also spread diseases by trading, which wasn’t so good. The New World had little domesticated animals, which was the peoples main source of protein, and was very important for reproduction [doc 10], but luckily the Old War could provide them for the New World.

    I realized that the negative views against The Columbian Exchange were written in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, leading me to believe that it took a long time for people to find a bad effect of The Columbian Exchange and actually have the information to prove it. Also, because these excerpts were written later, I know that they were not witnesses so their opinions are less important. The positive views on The Columbian Exchange, were mostly written around an earlier time, when it just started taking place. These authors are more likely to be witnesses of the changes and effects it made, and survivors of the infectious diseases that were spreading at the time.

    If I could have another document, I would like one from an Indian slave, so I could have their opinion about the end of Indian slavery, and maybe the infectious diseases.

  8. The Columbian Exchange began when Christopher Columbus took his first voyage to the Americas in 1492. Columbus’ voyage started a new era of extensive communication between the New and Old Worlds. The Columbian Exchange greatly effected many societies of the world , in good and bad ways, but it was mainly between the Old and New Worlds.

    The Columbian Exchange was a very important event in history, where new things like foods and cultures were shared between the Old and New World. The sharing of these possessions was a very positive experience, because they helped further the societies economically and socially. The diffusion of traditions and rules led to the end of Indian slavery as stated in document one, which put us one step closer to the end of all slavery. Other things that were shared as a part of the Columbian Exchange were new foods, cultures, architecture designs and political ideas and traditions. The University of Lima is described in document 2 as very elegant in design and has a very high quality of education, this could be because they were inspired by the Old World through The Columbian Exchange. Columbus’ voyage caused an establishment of civilizations in the New World, these civilizations shortly began to adopt the customs of the Old World and add in their own ideas to build a strong foundation for the following years.[ doc 4 and 6]. The establishment of civilizations lead to a mixture of different races of people migrating from different places to the New World, therefore making intermarriages very popular.[ doc 3]. Both document 8 and 9 tell us about the different things the two worlds shared with each other, and how it effected them. Mainly the two worlds traded foods and goods, that they themselves could not produce. That helped both of the worlds in the way that they would have all the resources they needed to be successful. The most important thing that started from The Columbian Exchange was the relationships between the Old and New Worlds , that made the world begin as one.

    Although Columbus’ revelation of the new world to the old world caused many great things to take place, and laid the foundation for the years to come in the new world, it also had some negative effects on both societies. Many of the negative effects were different diseases, including the smallpox and measles. These infectious diseases led to the deaths of a vast majority of Indians .[ doc 5 and 7].

    Because of the different locations of the Old and New Worlds, there resources differed, causing some troubles. A good thing about The Columbian Exchange is that when one of the worlds did not have something it was likely that the other world would. Document 8 shows us how the two worlds helped each other out by trading, with foods, precious metals, livestock , but they also spread diseases by trading, which wasn’t so good. The New World had little domesticated animals, which was the peoples main source of protein, and was very important for reproduction [doc 10], but luckily the Old War could provide them for the New World.

    I realized that the negative views against The Columbian Exchange were written in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, leading me to believe that it took a long time for people to find a bad effect of The Columbian Exchange and actually have the information to prove it. Also, because these excerpts were written later, I know that they were not witnesses so their opinions are less important. The positive views on The Columbian Exchange, were mostly written around an earlier time, when it just started taking place. These authors are more likely to be witnesses of the changes and effects it made, and survivors of the infectious diseases that were spreading at the time.

    If I could have another document, I would like one from an Indian slave, so I could have their opinion about the end of Indian slavery, and maybe the infectious diseases.

  9. Savannah, or as i call you savage!;) i love your essay, it has evrything that is needed and i love how much detail you had used. I also think you had full understanding of the documents. ha you jerk, we should have done this together! whatever you nerd!

  10. The Columbian Exchange had many effects, both positive and negative. Among these was the linking of the old and new world, new plants, animals, ideas, and products.
    The biggest impact of the Columbian Exchange was that it connected the new world to the old world. This new connected world allowed natives peoples come in contact with Europeans. In some cases the Europeans tried to conquer the natives and use them as servants and slaves. This led to the making of Spanish laws that protected natives. (Doc 1) It also allowed for the spread of plants from the Americas to the rest of the world and for the arrival of animals such as horses, pigs, and cows to the old world. Potatoes were a newly introduced food that would soon become a staple in Europe. There was also an exchange of disease like smallpox and measles from the old world and syphilis from the new world. (Doc 8 &9)
    As soon as Columbus arrives on the new world he sets off an epidemic of old world diseases such as smallpox and measles. The natives had no immunity to old world diseases and this fact caused them to die in large numbers. In fact these diseases helped Europeans succeed in taking over the Americas. The diseases were always ahead of them and the diseases got to the native population before them and eradicated it. (Doc 5&7)Some people blame Columbus for the large loss of native life in the Americas but the truth is that even if Columbus hadn’t discovered sooner or later someone else would have sailed into the unknown and discovered the Americas. (Doc 4)
    One big change that came from Columbus’s voyage was that he would forever cause the merging of the eastern and western hemispheres. This made it so that people in the Americas would forever be diverse because almost every kind of ethnic intermarriage imaginable happened in the Americas. In Document 3 it describes the ethnic diversity of Peru during this time period, and it describes how it was acceptable for people of different ethnic backgrounds to wed. That can be seen today because the United States is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world and this wouldn’t have been possible without Columbus’s voyage.
    There are many points of views for the Columbian Exchange but the negative effects were not seen until much later because the Europeans were only looking at the positive effects that were happening at that time.
    If I could have another document I would want one written by a native because it would help shed some light on the tragedy that happened when the Europeans and their diseases killed off the natives. It would also help to know if the natives actually gained anything from the old world through the Columbian Exchange.

  11. well said Joe, sounds like ur understanding the material.

    great job savannah, it seem as though u included all that was needed and ur use of detail was well done

    Markstone no one else posted so i can't critique 3 or more so I’m off to bed

  12. The columbian exchange brought positve and negative effects on the new world. One the bad things was that devestating approach on hurting the numbers of the native people in the new world. Other than killing it brought new opportunities to the Europians which created global conections.
    Negative effects that the Columbian Exchange brought was decline of native people in the Americas. In documents 1, 5, 7, and 10 represent the ungrateful things. For example Indians where captured and used for slavery which had no rights(doc.1). Also the Indian population fell dramatically by enslavement, killing for territory, and due to natives being exposed to diseases transmited by Europeans such as smallpox and measles(doc.5,&10). All these authors are people who studed or looked back at the Columbian Exchange,which wanted to educate people of the events.
    Looking away from the negative things, the Columbian Exchange also had positve effects. It led to outstanding university and Royal schools(doc.1). The Europeans mixed with natives which gave the ability for native families to get higher stats in life(doc.3). It gave Europeans new opportunities for resources(doc.4). Another thing that it gave was that Europe established global trading links(doc.6). The most important thing that arose over this was the trading from the new world to the old world. Corn, potatoes, boans, cocoa beans, metals, and tobacco were sent to the old world which in return recived wheat, sugar, rice, coffee, beans, livestock, and diseases all which dramatically changed both worlds(doc.8&9). These documents were created by educated and somewhat important people who wanted to let out what they knew about the Columbian Exchange time.
    An extra document would be about how the land was treated in the new world, so that I could see how it was changed by the Columbian Exchange.

  13. An ambitious Portuguese explorer name Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas which brought the Columbian exchange. The Columbian exchange between the Europeans and Native American people both brought negative and positive effects like slaves, diseases, and crops during the late 1400s.

    The positive results that the Columbian exchange had were laws, trade, new crops, livestock and intermarriage.(doc.1)In 1542 a new law was created that insured slaves not too be treated badly or else they would pay a fine.(doc.3) Another positive effect it had on the Americas was the mixture of new cultures and traditions. Furthermore intermarriage brought mixed races. (doc.4) Christopher Columbus set sail in 1492 discovering the Americas by accident thus creating the Columbian exchanged which was named after him.(doc.6)In addition, the Columbian exchanged also brought modern global economy by trade linking from Europe to Americas by slave trade and the fur trade as well. It also helped out thanks to the trade of plants, animals, microorganisms, and other natural resources. (doc.9) The exchanged also brought in crops like the potato. People from the Americas discovered that the new crops helped lasting longer in work. Also new animals like the horses they contributed by traveling faster and had an advantage in battle.

    Some of the negative effects that the Columbian exchanged had was new slaves and diseases. (doc.5)When the European people arrived in the Americas they killed and enslaved Indian people which caused the population to go down. (doc.5,8) New diseases were introduced to the Americas mostly carried by animals. Diseases like the small pox and the measles killed millions of people.

    The Columbian exchange had its benefits because the introduction to new crops, culture, traditions but what really damaged them were the diseases brought by the Europeans. What would really help me understand better the Columbian exchange is if I had an additional document written by townsperson that lived in the Americas giving there over all point of view towards the Columbian exchange. So I can really understand the importance that the Columbian exchange had on their society.

  14. angel, very good job it was well put together... very nice

    gaspar, you also did a very good job... i saw nothing that was missing...

  15. Angel, your essay was great, it included everything it needed and it was well put together, good job.(:

    Braulio, your essay was also very good, but there was not really anything having to do with the POV. Other than that your essay seemed perfect, good job.(:

  16. The Columbian exchange is in referance to Christopher Columbous. There was cultural exchange between the New World and the Old World wich are often refered as the Culmbian exchange. There was some possitiva and neggative effects between the New and Old worlds like diseases,goods, slavery and crops.

    The positive effects between the exchange between the old world and new world included laws,education,family traits,spread of civilization,and goods like animals and crops.In document one the new spanish laws of the Indies said that u couldnt mistreated indians as slaves and how they couldnt remain in slavery injustly just to keep their government enforced and that was a good thing for them because they wanted to stand above all others. Document two the preist describes the school in lima. he describes it as the best school in the world thats why they dont envy anything becaus they have nothing to be jealous about becasue they had it all. This document would of been netter if it had letters from students in this school giving their real opinion to see if they really did get the best education they could. Document three in which Jorge who went on a voyage to South America gave us an example of possitiveness. He talked about intermarriage with other culturals. This lead to having mixed racies and it was something unique that happened beacuse thats how new raices got started. I think thats was a huge possitive effect becaus thats how they started what we now have today, different raices. In document 4 the spread of revolution got started and that was a positive affect for it. It started with just a trade route and it got bigger, thats how the new and old worlds started trading with eachother and that was a good thing because they got to share their culture with echother and share it with other people. Docuement six is another possitive view, the new worlds started trading furs, animals, crops, and many other stuff. When they would trade it would make their ecomomic system way bigger because of the things. In document 8 it shows some of the good things they exchanged so that we can see what kind of stuff they trsded. Docunent nine is also positive because the Coloombian Exchange finally brought things to trade that he people actually wanted/ needed. Some examples were horses, pigs sheep, and other cattle. The Columbian excahnge had many positive stuff.

    Not onlt was ther positive effects but ther was also some negative effects.For example document 5 was a negative one becaus it was about diseases that brought unealthy patterns of bahaviors.the diseases that were going on mostly were measles and small pox. Just because of all those stuff it killed a large population of indians. I think they should show a chart reveling how many people died because of each diseas. In document seven it was all negative to beacuse it was about diseases, wich was abig impact becaus often people's imun system couldnt handdale it so pople died. In document eight it shows were the diseases came from and that was bad beacuse of that people died. I think that they should have put an article on how they all started that would have helped me understand it more. Document ten was negative because they started having little animals wich was bad because thats what people would eat and not having so much meat was hard for them. Facing all these negative things was hard for all the people.
    I think that the the columbian exchange was an overal positive effect because it lead to alot of good things.

  17. In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue which started Columbian exchange between the "Old World" and the "New World". There were many positive things that came along including trade, more/new land, and new livestock. But there were also some negatives such as disease and slavery.

    There were many positive outcomes of the exchange. For example in about the seventeenth century in Lima, Peru there were many natives as professors at the universities(Doc.2). This was nice because the people were being accepted enough to be teachers and they were able to teach themselves and maybe even the newcomers. In 1748 many different people including spaniards, whites, indians, and more started to intermix and live in the same areas(Doc.3). It was a great time because people would intermarry and there was starting to be a common bond between the areas. Scholars describe the United States as one of histories first universal nations (Doc.6). There was the uprising of the bullion trade link which linked Latin America to Europe and Asia, the fur trade connected North America to Russia and Western Europe. Trade was really helpful to everyone because it helped them get different resources the have never had before (Doc.9). some of the goods that were traded were crops, livestock, and other animals.

    There wasn't only good things coming from this new voyage either. Fro example people thought it was ok to keep slaves (Doc.1). But in 1542 they started to see that was not a good thing to be doing so they started to stop it, the only problem was they had it so people could find a loop hole in those laws so they could keep their slaves. When the Europeans came the Indian population fell fifteen-twenty million people due to disease (DOC.5&7). Many people died due to disease because they were not immuned to the kinds of illnesses brought from the new lands. When the Indians passed the news that the spaniards had arrived they could have also been spreading the new diseases already.THere was a lack of domesticated herd animals in America (Doc.10). But it was also kind of a good thing they didn't have to many especially considering the animals were the main source of disease.

    Even though most things are mainly looked at as positive or negative there were also some that are just kind of go either way. As the writer Kenneth Auchincloss pretty much wrote in 1991 even if Columbus wasn't the one to come here things would still be very similar to how they turned out today(Doc4). Either way people are all about the money and land. In Document eight the show what the different worlds contribute to the other. The new world had gold,silver, and tobacco which they easily traded with the old world for wheat,sugar,and animals.

    Personally i think overall the whole Columbian exchange worked out for the better. Some bad things happened but if they didn't we wouldn't be to where we are today with technology and everything else we have now.

    If i were to get one more document i would love to hear the point of view on this from an "Indian". It would help put some perspective on how it was to have your homeland invaded and taken over. how they delt with the new comers and most of all the deadly things they brought with them.

  18. In the Columbian exchange, which in reference to Christopher Columbus, was a cultural exchange between the "New World" and the "Old World". Both in the late 1400s which had positive and negative effects in the exchange with one another such as diseases, land owning, and goods.

    The Columbian exhange set forward new trsidtions with mixtures of cultures. In the new world in North America Indians were saved from being slaves and there were laws set up which were enforced that indians were not to be mistreated.(doc1) In doc 2 education was also spread out but from the old world. Intermarriages also came up with the term "lima" which is a mixture of whites, spaniards, indians, etc. (doc 3) Both doc 4 and 6 were both talking about the inspiration of columbus exploring to the new world on creating trade routes and making new civilizations. (doc 9) American crops were adopted by Europe which started the exchange on horses, pigs, and cattle to reproduce in America.

    The negative effects on the columbian exhange where indians being used for unfair labor, diseases being spread out such as small pox and measles. Although mainly affected the indians since they were not immune and europeans were.(doc 5 and 8) In doc 10 there was lack of domesticated animals in America since there were few, unlike in Europe.

    (pov) I thought the documents were good but i wouldve liked them more in depth with the information such as the diseases and trade. Also add a doc about how Indians were treated.

  19. Gaspar i think you did a rwally good job i really didnt spot anyhthing missing in your essay good job!

    Braulio i agree with savannah your essay was good exept i really didnt spot any POV's but still good job!

    Angel i think you did a very good job you pretty much covered it all up good job!

    Savannah i think yours was very good i like ur detail that u put in it, it shows u understand the material Good Job!

    Makayla i think ur essay was very good!it seems thta u pretty much covered everything up

    good job to all of you! =D

  20. Joe your essay was good! liked how you set up your docs!

    Savannah your essay had alot of information which showed you worked hard on it, great essay!

    Angel liked the way you structured your essay!

    For anyone else who accomplished to do the dbq good job!

  21. Braulio good job it seemed like u understood what you read, but you had a few things missing. For one you didn't include another document that you would like, also you were missing two of the documents but other than that i liked it =)

  22. Giselle Sanchez-ZunoApril 10, 2011 at 11:11 PM

    Giselle Sanchez-Zuno

    DBQ: Columbian Exchange

    During the Columbian Exchange the Europeans invaded The North American Continents impacting them with changes, which took negative as well as positive effects. These negative effects included the spread of many diseases, but as well as the positive effects that included the spread of new crops, animals and cultural traditions.
    These positive effects are referred to the new cultural exchanges, that included the new crops, animals, as well as new diverse societies. In the documents that reflected a positive aspect of the Columbian Exchange, we can see how the curiosity led to emerge of new traditions, as well as the spread of new goods (documents #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9). The invasion of the Europeans led to adaption of new animals in the Americas that benefited their society in many ways, allowing them to easily domesticate new animals for their convenience. In others the intermarriages and the mix of a variety of races, led to the new cultural traditions. The Global economy was enhanced by the voyages and trade connections during those times.
    The Columbian Exchange not only led to all positive effects, but as well as some negative impacts. As reflected in documents (5, 7, 10) the spread of new diseases brought by the Europeans reached the North American continents. The impact of various diseases like, smallpox, Measles,Influenza, and typhus, had a strong impact in the population. The spread of these diseases lead to many deaths.
    Overall the author’s point of view of the Columbian Exchange is to prove how this move had a positive effect for the most part. This was due to the fact that the European brought to discovery new animals, crops, cultural traditions. The only negative effect the exchange led to was the spread and reach of new diseases.
    As of additional documents I would of liked to have seen a document reflecting how the introduction to new animals as well as crops improved labor for these societies.

  23. Gaspar i liked your essay but it was also missing some info. You didn't say another doc you would like or your POV. Oh and a heads up for next time Mr.Markstone said not to write the documents that way he said that wouldn't get you any points. Try just putting them one per sentence not just list them. Good job other than that and thanx for actually doing it.

  24. The Columbian Exchange was The Exchange Of Cultures Between The Old World And The New World. Both Positive And Negative Effects Arise from The Trade System. The Neggative Effects Is The Spread Of Major Diseases Much Like The Black Death(doc.7) In Doc 4 Kenneth Auchinchloss Believes That Because Of Missionaries And Merchants Trying to Spread Thier Religion And Also In Search For New Crops That's How The Western Civilization Was Built Upon. Christopher Columbus First Brought Deadly Diseases And The Belief Of Indian Enslavement When he Arrived In The Americas(doc.5) The Beginning Of Diseases From A Domesticated Also Arose(doc.10) The Positive Effects Of The Columbian Exchange Are; The Spread Of New Cultural Traditions(doc.2),The Acceptance Of Foreign Crops And Domesticated Animals(doc.9), The Growth In The United States Both Economically And Politically(doc.6), And The Dismiss Of Indain Slaves(doc.1). Overall I Think The Colubian Exchange Was A Very Helpful Experience. It Allowed us To Gather New Traditions, Crops, And Domesticated Animals. The Only Thing That Might Have Ruined It Was The Spread Of The Diseases Which We Got Because Of The Interaction Between DOmesticated Animals And Humans! I Would Like To Have A Documnet From A Priest Going On Missionaries To Look For New Things. It Would Be Helpful to Have A Document from Them Because I Would LIke To See How They Reacted During The Colubian Exchange!

    PS. Mr Markstone I Decided To Try A Different Way On Writing DBQ's Because I Think I Wasn't Doing That Well So I Hope This Is Better!

  25. D.B.Q.

    The Columbian Exchange(1400s) was a widespread of trade that started with the found land of the Americas. This exchange exploited positive and negative effects on to the europeans and the natives.

    Positives effects that the Columbian exchange brought was; the bringing of laws that benefited a lower class, diverse teachings, an uprising in a high class, a diverse nation, and beneficial trade rotes. The new land and different setting cause new laws to be set, to protect all people. As we see in doc 4 a law was placed to protect the natives from slavery, how they can only be “owned” if the “owner” had some way to show that he posses them legitimately. This might have started because many of the natives were captured, against their will, and put into slavery. With this law we see some concern from the Spanish of the natives situations. Also the Spanish allowed natives to be professors at the University in Lima,(doc 2) and show their “…outstanding and unusual intellects…”(Vasquez). The mixing of all the ethnics made the Americas diverse. In documents 3 and 6 we learn more about the coming together. We see that in certain towns the upper class starts to rise, this is a positive because the economy benefits from the high class more then the lower class. The upper class will help raise trade demands, by means of the bullion trade, fur trade, and the slave trade. Also how with this diversity we get influenced by other ethics, then expanding into one. Overall helping with the building of the new world. In documents 8 and 9 we see more of an in-depth look into the trade. Aspects in the trade were positive because of the high calorie crops allowed more people to be fed which then resulted in an increase in work. Also with the finding of new domesticated animals(horses, pigs, sheep and cattle) were extremely beneficial since most reproduced with really no conflicts with predators, and allowed faster travel and an advantage in battle.

    However their were some negatives effects from the exchange, that were negative because of the extremely harmful effects on the natives. The natives population and cultural was effected throughout the whole exchange. In the time period of about 150 years after the Europeans came around 15-20 million natives lost their lives, mainly by diseases that they never were able to grow immune from.(doc 5) The diseases grew so immense and spread so quickly that this statement, “That any Indian who received news of the Spaniards could have easily received the infection” (doc 7, Crosby) Meaning that you didn’t have to even see a European to catch the diseases but to hear their arrival meant that the messenger was most likely already effected. Author Alfred explains in his document(doc 10) the old world may have gotten many domesticated animals but the new world received more infectious diseases. He then goes on in reasoning of the outbreaks, including blaming the domesticated animals for being hosts.


  26. PART TWO

    Point of view seems to be a big thing in these documents. Many of the positives documents were dated in the 1400s and were authored by the Spaniards. This leads me to believe that the Spaniards bias of themselves, this did not allow them to see the big pictured in how the were harming the natives. For example in document 2 Vasquez mentions on how the natives were involved but never mentioned on how segregation was involved in the University, he saw some type of involvement and was satisfied. I also noticed how all of the negatives were published later on and show a wider view on the exchange. Showing more proof on how the Spanish showed incongruence in their destructive actions.

    As an additional document I would like graphs showing me numbers on all the negative outcomes, also graphs that showed any increases of trade that way I can see if the Europeans were blinded by money. Another document that I would like is one that shows the negative outcome but is dated near the 1400s, the ones I have now are dated past that. Preferably by an European or a native translator, that way I know that they had a connection with the natives and maybe more input on how the exchange effected them.


  27. The Columbian Exchange brought negative and positive effects between the world. The negative effects that came to be were the lost of the native american people. While the positive was the new opportunities Europe got.
    Within the exchange, the new world's native people dramatically fell. In documents 1, 5,and 10 it describes how their population fell. Indians were captured and were slaves with almost no rights(doc1). The population decline was mostly due to slavery, killing for territory, and diseases brought by Europeans such as smallpox and measels(doc5,7,&10). The authors for these documents were educated people which wanted to educate others. It would have been nicer if their were documents of the events happening at that time.
    Away from the negative views there was also positive effects which were opportunities for Europeans. They got distinguish university and Royal schools(doc1). The Europeans mixed with native americans and created mistecos which gave the ability for native families to get higher stats in life(doc3). Due to the Europeans being the first ones to discover the Americas it allowed them with new opportunities(doc4). Europe established global trading links by exchanging goods from americas to everywhere(doc6). The most important thing that arose from this was the exchange of the new world and the old. From the new world crops, metals, and tobacco went to the old which in return recived different crops, livestock, and diseases, which all this changed the population as well lives(doc8&9).The people that wrote these documents knew what they were talking about so they let out what they knew to the people to read.
    An extra document about the way the echange affected the new world lands. So that I can understand what marks were left behind and the way people lived.

  28. Giselle I LIked The Way You Wrote Your Essay. It Was Very Interesting And I Liked The Way You Arranged What You Were Going To Talk Anout! I Think If I'm Not MIstaken Mr. Markstone Didn't Want Youu Just To List The Documenst But To Do Them Document By Document But Overall Very Nice Essay

  29. The Columbian exchange was the establishment of the "old and new worlds" by eurapean explorers in the late 1400's. The columbian exchange had both positive and negative outcomes like diseases and crops for example.

    Many of the negative outsomes included the outbursts of new diseases. In documents 7 & 10 we are informed about the diseases "the disaster began with mainly by smallpox and measles","infectious diseases". The old world is thought to have been to blame for bringing diseases to the new world as shown in document 8. There was a noticeable decline of population as we are informed about in document 5. All these documents show the negative part of the columbian disease it is completely obvious that the major factor comes down to the diseases which then to lead to decline in population.

    Beside the negatives effects there was also positive effects. The columbian exchange helped to stop that of slaves. Where we learn in document 1 "from henceforward the indians in no way be made slaves". This helped them attain distinguished universities and schools, as document 2 says "they need envy no other in the world". The columbian exchange gave many privilages like the accpetance of intermarriage where we learn about in document 3. Its as if all they needed was that extra push! doc 4 "set out to find new goods." This helped to better the columbian exchange. Trade was a common benefit for both the old and new worlds where it allowed for new items like livestock, food crops and valueable itmes. Specified in document 8 and 9. The columbian exchange allowed for the establishment of global trading society therefore benefiting automatically with new imported goods, just like united states today shown in (doc.6). Many of the positive outcome are the food crops and the advantage and privilage to have variety in any society.

    We mainly had an advantage because of the outcome of the comlumbian exchange. Sure there was the diseases spread but that could have happened anyways. An extra document I would have liked to include would be that of an indian slave to see how his life was and his point of view.

  30. Savannah i love your work it was very outstanding , i saw that you included all documents and had an accpetable thesis i really liked how you stated your point of view you seem to be an expert in these dbq's =) you would really get a 9 in my book!

    Yesenia wowzers! you have really seemed to be getting the hang of these dbqs as well! it seems to me that you have included all documents. i also like your POV's :) they were interesting to read.

    hey im HUNGRY! its almost time for a midnight snack yay haha (:

  31. In the Columbian Exchange, with what was done and what was traded, brought to both worlds positive and negative consequences to their actions.
    Europe and the Americas were able to flourish and grow with the amount of items and thoughts or beliefs being shared overseas. Many valuables were traded with each other that were unobtainable from the other side of the ocean, like several types of crops or domesticated animals. (docs. 8 & 9) Because of all the trade going on, the Americas became an important part of the global economy, and caused people to meet and mingle with others of different culture and background, making it also multiethnic. (doc6) People were beginning to get together with people that came from a separate world and started accepting it, and sometimes actually wanting it for themselves. (doc 3) There was the making of new laws to treat people equally, for instance to not make Native American slaves unless they owed a dept. (doc 1) There was sharing of ideas that both sides of the trade enjoyed, as explained by a Spanish priest complimenting a school in the West Indies. (doc 2) But the travel to the new world was not only for financial or cultural gain, it was to satisfy the curiosity and to have that achievement of going out and discovering or finding what no other had. (doc 4)
    Although the Columbian Exchange made many people happy in all sorts of aspects, there was one thing that brought despair, and caused hell upon the Native Americans. Some thought that the bringing of domesticated animals to the Americas was a great idea, but did not realize that they were bringing germs the Native Americans had never been in contact with, nor had the immunity to fight off. (doc 10) It was known that the Europeans brought the diseases with them and were damaging the Native American population in catastrophic amounts. (doc 5 & 7)
    A helpful additional document would be if a Native American saw the goods they were getting from the Europeans in return for their goods as a positive outlook or negative outlook.

  32. In the Columbian Exchange, with what was done and what was traded, brought to both worlds positive and negative consequences to their actions.
    Europe and the Americas were able to flourish and grow with the amount of items and thoughts or beliefs being shared overseas. Many valuables were traded with each other that were unobtainable from the other side of the ocean, like several types of crops or domesticated animals. (docs. 8 & 9) Because of all the trade going on, the Americas became an important part of the global economy, and caused people to meet and mingle with others of different culture and background, making it also multiethnic. (doc6) People were beginning to get together with people that came from a separate world and started accepting it, and sometimes actually wanting it for themselves. (doc 3) There was the making of new laws to treat people equally, for instance to not make Native American slaves unless they owed a dept. (doc 1) There was sharing of ideas that both sides of the trade enjoyed, as explained by a Spanish priest complimenting a school in the West Indies. (doc 2) But the travel to the new world was not only for financial or cultural gain, it was to satisfy the curiosity and to have that achievement of going out and discovering or finding what no other had. (doc 4)
    Although the Columbian Exchange made many people happy in all sorts of aspects, there was one thing that brought despair, and caused hell upon the Native Americans. Some thought that the bringing of domesticated animals to the Americas was a great idea, but did not realize that they were bringing germs the Native Americans had never been in contact with, nor had the immunity to fight off. (doc 10) It was known that the Europeans brought the diseases with them and were damaging the Native American population in catastrophic amounts. (doc 5 & 7)
    A helpful additional document would be if a Native American saw the goods they were getting from the Europeans in return for their goods as a positive outlook or negative outlook.

  33. Justina! i enjoyed reading your essay ... darn im going to feel like i repeat myself but once again you are another person in which i feel you have the dbq down! i liked how you structured your dbq inputting all the docs and giving your ideas i honestly as i was reading it felt as i was hearing your dbq from your voice. excellent job x)
    Have a goodnight everyone sweet dreams with little angels 0:) see you guys tommorow :)

  34. Gissle, your essay is great and i like how its very well organized

    Justina, i like how your essay gets right to the point and still has the details that is neened.

  35. Gaspar- i thought your essay was very well done but i think that you could have worded some of the sentences a little bit better.
    P.S - why did you post like 3 different ones?

    Braulio- Your essay was very well written but the only thing that i saw was wrong was that you didn't include the point of view.

    Yesenia-Your essay was awesome and i enjoyed reading it but i noticed that you didn't have the point of view other that that it was great.
    P.S- im not being mean but you should have used spellcheck because you have some mistakes:)

    BTW-- @(^.^)@<--- isn't this monkey awesome

  36. gaspar- i liked how u wrote your essay it was well put together. i really liked the way you used the nagative effects in your essay it really seemed that you got it.

  37. yessica-your essay was well written but you lacked in the pov and asking for an additional doc. because you didnt really state how the doc. would help you

  38. Angel i didn't see all the documents being used but i dont know if we were suppose to use all

    Joe your pov doesnt state everything needed it just has your opinion on the documents and not the auther etc...

    Braulio you forgot to put in the pov and why was mixed marraige a positive thing


  39. karla- you had a good essay but you didnt put why and how would it affect if you got another document. but other than that i thought you did a very good job.

  40. With colombus' discovery of the Americas chenged the worl, some good came from the adaptions of spread of knwoledge from both worlds, trade, and integration of so many different people in 1 continent. Although not all the outcomes were good euros brought with them disease, conquests leading to mass genocide of the native peoples,and all together the intrusion made the old world bringing with them their troubles. However the new world had great opprotunities
    With the discovery of American gooods trade began goods were sent from old world to new world and vis versa sending sugar tobacco lumber ETC., as shown in doc 8 of what was traded. Trade brought people all over the world seeking fortune, adventure, or to convert people, togehter this made the maericas the most diverse countries even to this day doc 3 shows this in its charts comparing the diversity of trade colonies, this integration even included the natives into euro blood lines (doc 6). knowledge spread to the new world teaching both young and old that europe had to offer builiding magificient schools as depiceted in doc 2. Plus with trade new crops came to the new world inproving the lifestyles of the people with better crops like wise lifestock came to spread into the americas growing fruitfuly in the wode open lands. but with all this improvement and prosperity there were bad results of the colombian exchange.
    europeans stormed the new world in serch of fortune leading to bad outcomes for the native people. intrusion of the old world brought with them the problems of the old world; grudges, competitions, dependancy of the euros by once self producing peoples (doc 4) , protection from other countries as shown in doc 1 for by the way naitves required protection from being enslaved. Mass genocides became common as euros strived to quinch their thirst for power killing off all those who stood in their way(doc 5). a form of mass genocide more potnent then their weaponry was their diseases, not even aware of it euros brought with them plagues the natives couldnt stand killing off most of their worries (doc 7) leaving whole civilizations so weak and end up crumbling away giving the euros their victory as explained in doc 10.

  41. -Miguel your essay is good, and very organized
