Monday, April 18, 2011

"The Age of Anxiety" Question 1 of 3

You must answer the following question in at least one, five-sentence paragraph. You must also respond to one other student's post. You are to use standard English and spelling, and it is recommended you check your work prior to submission. Remember, the internet is forever so choose your words wisely.

Your response to the question is due by Thursday, April 21, 2011 at midnight.Your response to other students' posts are due by Friday, April 22, 2011 at midnight.

Question #1:
What are some indications of the "postwar pessimism" of the 1920s? Why did liberal values such as progress and democracy fall under attack at this time?

Happy posting,


  1. #1
    During the 1920’s postwar pessimism was also known as the “lost generation”, that’s how it was expressed in poetry and disillusion that characterized U.S. & European thought after the great war. During this time a lot of novels with images of meaningless death and suffering came out. The postwar destroyed many long cherished beliefs, for example the belief in the universality of human progress. Meanwhile science and technology came under attack. Scientist’s dreams of leading people to a beneficial conquest of nature went away because they spend the whole war making poisonous gas and explosives. Democracy was another fallen idol; the idea of people selecting their own leaders of government began to spread support in European societies and other places also. Those developments led to an unprecedented degree of political participation, some people elected while others didn’t. The postwar decade witnessed a revolution in physics that transformed the character of science.

  2. people used the the expression "lost generation" to the people which came after the Great War. During this time writers worte books with the images of death and suffering. Progress came under attack especially science and technology in hopes of prosperity in humanity. The scientists dreams of helping were curved due to the war in which they made dangerous weapons. They attacked democracy because the people were mad at it due to it being weak.

  3. The main indication of postwar pessimism was the expression "lost generation" which referred to the generation that came after WW1. Their hopes of science and reason were not seen as possible by other people. Many writers began to write books that had unnecessary death and suffering. Many ideas that were meant to bring progress came under attack, such as science and democracy. Democracy was seen as a decaying system by the common people. This led to many people idolizing elite ruling.

  4. An important indication of post war pessimism had came from the saying of "lost gereration" this referred back to the gernations of people that came after the time of World War One.During this time art,religion,science, and teachnogly were very focused on and in some cases attacked.The goal of the scientsist were not accomplished due to the being under attack by deadly weapons.Democracy was affected by the people not being ble to work together to elect leaders of goverment and th goverment has slowy started to decline,thus leading to many social classes/ranks incliding the ruling elite.
    THE END!

  5. yesenia- i like how u used aot of detail when answering the question, you actully porved your reponce with great detail and examples/fact.

    Angel- your resonce was good and evrything is very good and sumed up good job you guys:)

    During this time many book and poems were written by people and they maninly focused on death,suffering, and duestracution.

  6. Giselle Sanchez-ZunoApril 21, 2011 at 10:10 PM

    The way US and Europeans thinkers thought after World War 1 was full of pessimism, this was known as Postwar Pessimism. It is known to be called “lost generation”, due to the effects that it caused. Poets and writers reflected the impact in their writings and drawings of deaths and suffrage. In hopes of new technology and science bringing human prosperity into their lives, attacks began leading to time spent on new military inventions. The political aspect went under attack as well, due to the fact that the populations were unhappy with the democracy ruling. They believed that the democracy ruling was not a powerful form of government.

  7. The best indication about the post war pessimism was "lost generation".This indication came after WW1.This indication was noted by Gertrude Stein to american writer Ernest Hemingway.Many ideas that were suppose to help progress were attacked like science,religion, and technology.Democracy was also being attacked due to problems electing leaders of goverment. Futhermore this led to ruling elites.

  8. Yesenia- I liked how you used a lot of detail in your response.It was well written and i beleive you got all the requirements needed.

  9. Postwar pessimism was also known as the "lost generation". It was a term used to describe pessimism of U.S. and European thinkers after the war. Postwar poetry and fiction reflected disillusionment with western culture. The scholars Oswald Spengler, and Arnold Toynbee lamented decline of the west. Science and technology came under attack. Scientist spent most of the war making poisonous gas and high explosives. Democracy was another factor attacked because it resulted in universal male suffrage in most societies and in following years extended to women! Which then led to the election in where many voters hated with passion the idea of a weak political system.

  10. “The Lost Generation” or postwar pessimism expressed the disillusionment that defined the U.S and European thought after the Great War through poetry and other writing. After thinking the war was a great adventure, many of the young artists’ work of the 20th century overflowed with images of meaningless death and suffering. The decline of Western society was mourned by postwar writers. One such writer was a retired German school teacher named Oswald Spengler. In his work, he proposed that all societies pass through a life cycle of growth and decay comparable to the biological cycle of living organisms. He concluded that European society had entered the final stage of its existence. His gloomy predictions provided a kind of comfort to those who sought to rationalize their postwar despair. His conviction that all the nations of the world were equally doomed also helped in this amenity.

  11. Yesenia you have a lot of word for word from the book information and you need to explain more in depth why progress and science were being attacked.

    Yessica why was science and technology under attack?

  12. gaspar good job but i think u should give more detail about science and technology under attack

    yessica i agree with gaspar you forgot to put why science and techonolgy were under attack? but besides that good job!

    Giselle good job but i think you forgot to mention how they fell under attack

  13. Angel- Right on! Your response seemed above average to me! .. you were good on details and explanations while still managing to answer every part of the question. good job! :)

  14. The Post-war Pessimism was also know as the “lost generation,” by a group of rebelling American writers, and took place in the 1920’s, between the two world wars. Many of these writers had illustrations in their novels of death and suffering. During this time the beliefs of many scientists and politicians were shot down. They no longer believed that their ideas would further the world, as they did before. The democracy slowly crashed when the people could no longer stand the idea of a democracy, and thought of it as a weak political system. In the end, the people relied on the ruling elite as their “political system”.

  15. Joe- I think you did a good job,but didn't exactly understand some of the things in the book, like why the scientists were attacked.

    Yesenia- Your response was very god, but I felt as if you just took out sentences in the book and put them together as your answer.

    Angel- Overall you did very good, and I think you added everything that was needed.
