Saturday, June 14, 2014

Thank You


To all of my students from the 2013-2014 school year: Thank You. Thank you for the laughs, the effort, the stories, the debates, #thestruggle, and, most of all, thank you for being you.

Although this year was a rough year for our district and our school, you kept me smiling and made me want to come back to school each and every day. I became a teacher for you. To help you learn, to make you laugh, and to make you think. I hope you all did plenty of that this year. 

So, once again, thank you, I hope you all enjoy your summer and I hope you all come by #room639 next year for a visit. 

I took pictures of the board before I left for Salt Lake City (for the AP Reading- to grade your exams). The pictures are below. I hope they remind you of our time together.... oh, and it's not over.

And... my favorite....


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