Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014


This is the week things are going to start to get real. Modern World History is going to start analyzing some documents and will also have an essay due two weeks from today (September 29, 2014). Yeah, that's kind of a big deal. Also, I'm going to be out a few days over the next few weeks. This will become more normal as the year goes on. No one hates having a sub more than I do, but I think I have one who will keep things rolling for us in class. And, let's remember that learning can (and should) be done without me looking over your shoulder every second. You are maturing, responsible, young-adults and teenagers. You are more capable of being successful than you give yourself credit for. My job isn't to teach you history, it's to get you to believe in yourself and prepare you with the skills you need for the post-high school life.

AP, you are reading about India... no, the Aryans are not some predecessor to Hitler's Nazi Regime who moved from Germany to India and really destroyed every aspect of empire there.... this is what happens when people don't read their history (or don't understand it) and therefore misuse information and confuse the living heck out of people.

Also, AP, I'll award 5 points of extra credit to anyone who turns in their Ch, 9 Notes and activities (fully completed) on Thursday, September 18, 2014.

I'm excited for this week.

Let's Rage (that's another word for party.... at least that's how I'm using it).

Modern World History
  • Analyze the law codes of Justinian.
  • Extract evidence from a text and use it to formulate an opinion. 
  • Use evidence to substantiate an argument (WGOITP) 

    AP World History

    Quick-write #14:

    • Use evidence to substantiate an argument (WGOITP) 
    • Analyze the meaning and definition of empire.
    • Analyze the virtues of good leadership, as presented in "The Classic of History."

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