Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


So, I took my kids to the movies on Saturday afternoon. It was cold and rainy, and I had just split my knee open at baseball practice. Nothing could be better... Yeah, right. I freakin' hate the movies. I hate spending the money. I hate sitting still for 2 hours. I hate thinking almost the entire time that I have other crap to do that is way more important than sit here and be spoon fed this bull-crap. I hate sitting in a nasty, stuffy, smelly theater that feels like it's been coated in a sick combination of butter and lost hope. I hate seeing the creepy middle-aged man sitting by himself in a kids movie and wondering if at some point I'm going to have to throw him through the screen, or beat his head against the back of a seat. I hate plotting my escape route in case of a fire... but, despite all of that, and mostly because my wife reminded me, and even though it's going to cost me some time and an extra twenty-dollars, my kids will remember me taking them to the movies. So, I went.

I saw this.

Turns out it was wicked-awesome. My kids loved it, and, maybe more importantly, I was truly engaged. The humor was somewhat over my kids heads, but it was just right for me... maybe that's the marketing goal. Make a movie that both kids and adults want to see... Also, you might look at it as a commentary on our lives now. Watch and see.... and sit still, or I'll get out the Kragl.

Read a review of the movie here.

Sadly, I identified way more with the villain (Lord Business) than anyone else.

Modern World History
Quick-write #14:

  • Use evidence to develop an argument.
  • Identify and Label the physical and political features of the Caribbean Region on a map.
  • Identify the causes of the of the American Revolution.

AP World History

Quick-write #15:

  • Use evidence to develop an argument.
  • Analyze the impact of trade on Classical Societies.
  • Analyze the Causes and Effects of the Emergence of Transregional Trade routes from 600 BCE to 600 CE.

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